Friday, June 17, 2016

Into the Abyss

We date like we are trying on shoes, we even have a term for it now, "hooking up". There is no courtship, such concepts as commitment, dedication, and investment are antiquated. This has been going on since the 60s but it is devolving progressively from free love to free carnalism. 
But while we are escaping nihilism with chemicals, and f*cking our way into a temporary respite from the fact that we have forgot how to genuinely love. We have disconnected from the reality that the practice of breeding eventually leads to children. 
Children without fathers, children that are not wanted. Young girls that confuse affection for love.Young boys who's ONLY social interaction  is Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty and the like.
Why are there so many shootings, why wouldn't there be? There is no love left. 
Every day I try to repair this irreparable damage, but the fire is beyond us, it is burning faster than we can stomp it out. 
Guns, Muslims, right, left, they are bandaids over the bullet hole, everyone is screaming about the symptoms and not addressing the cause. 
Just maybe we should worry about our marriage, and not just the wedding day,  or strive to be old people holding hands in the park, as opposed to bragging rights for gathering the most vagina. 
We have been "progressing" for over 50 years now, do we feel any safer, do we feel genuine love? Do we even feel free?

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